APNA Nominating Committee Description
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Immediate Past President of the Board of Directors who shall serve as an ex officio, non-voting member of the Committee, three elected members and two members appointed by the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee Chair shall be appointed by the Board of Directors from among the three elected and two appointed members of the Committee. Elected and appointed members shall serve a one-year term. The principle task of the Nominating Committee is selecting a slate of candidates for the Annual APNA Election and to oversee the electoral process.
The Nominating Committee serves a one year term.
- The Nominating Committee shall make recommendations and solicit recommendations from APNA members for candidates to serve on the Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee.
- Members of the Committee may not seek election to the Board of Directors while they are serving on the Nominating Committee
- The Committee shall review all recommendations and prepare a slate of candidates for approval by the Board of Directors
- Following Board approval of the slate, notice of the slate of candidates will be prepared and mailed or provided electronically to each member in good standing
- Insofar as possible, the Nominating Committee will endeavor to have a balanced slate of candidates reflecting geography, gender, professional experience, and racial diversity in order to achieve a balanced Board of Directors reflective of the membership
- Meet on a regular basis via conference call or in-person if necessary but with adequate advance notice
- Follow the nominating committee procedures approved by the BOD.
- Must be a voting member in good standing for at least one year immediately prior to assuming office.
- Knowledgeable about global trends and issues influencing the association and the association’s programs, projects and services
- Ability to work in small group as a team member
- Demonstrated problem solving and ethical decision making experience
- Ability to work with diverse styles and personalities and facilitate teamwork and consensus
- Demonstrates flexible work habits
- Willing to commit the time and skills necessary to fulfill the expectations of the role.
- Sets and maintains high standards for personal performance