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APNA Research Grant Proposal Submission Walkthrough

Thank you for your interest in submitting an application for the APNA Research Grants program. Please use the walkthrough below to help you navigate the research grant proposal submission process. For a quick overview of all of the information that must be included in your application submission, please see this checklist. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us at or 855-863-2762.

Remember: You have the opportunity to submit a draft of your research grant proposal for a preliminary feedback by members of the APNA Research Council. Please see the Research Grants page for more information.


Log in with your APNA username and password


Select the type of Research Grant Proposal you will be submitting from the drop down menu under Your Submission Options. Your options are:

  • APNA Research Grants – Evidence-Based Practice Change or QI Project
  • APNA Research Grants – Research Study

Then click the Launch Application button.

You will use the tabs to navigate to each portion of the application. As you complete the information on each tab, remember to hit the Save as Draft button so that your information is saved.


You will start at the Proposal Guidelines tab. Review the proposal guidelines, the review process, and funding information. Then check the box to validate that you have reviewed and confirm the proposal guidelines. Then hit Save as Draft button.

A message will pop up to prompt you to enter a title for your research proposal. Click ok and enter your Proposal Title (50 word limit) into the specified field under the Proposal Details tab. Then press the Save as Draft button and go to the Applicant tab.


The next tab is the Applicant tab. Here you will enter your contact information. This is the contact information that APNA will use to communicate with your about your application, so please ensure that you use current information that will be valid at the time of notifications. Click Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


On the Education tab, provide your educational background, any current enrollment if applicable, and your employment history. (Note: If you do not have any Employment History to enter, simply put N/A into each of the fields in the first line.) Click Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


On the Proposal Information tab, review your Proposal Title (you will have entered this previously as it is required to save your draft proposal) and enter any co-investigators. Under the Grant Details section, explain how you meet the research grants qualifications (200 word limit), select the priority areas that your proposal fits under (you can select as many as are applicable), and then indicate whether or not you are submitting your dissertation, thesis, or DNP project.

If you select yes to indicate that you are a student submitting your dissertation, thesis or DNP project, a Chair Validation/Approval form will appear that will allow you to generate an email request to your thesis/dissertation/DNP project chair. Fill out the form and then click the Initiate Email Request button. This email will ask them to quickly complete an electronic confirmation that validates your project. You should monitor this section of your application to ensure that the confirmation is completed by the deadline. You will receive a confirmation email when the chair has submitted the confirmation. Once you receive this confirmation and your application is complete, you will need to log in to the site and press the Submit Final Application button.

Hit Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


This Proposal Information tab is where you will upload the documents that comprise your full research grant proposal.

Click the Choose File button next to each section and select your file from its location on your device to upload your Research Grant Proposal (see guidelines below), Curriculum Vitae or Biosketch, Budget*, and IRB Approval. Once you have uploaded all of your files, hit Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


Guidelines for the Research Grant Proposal Document

Be sure to review this checklist and the evaluation criteria for your specific research grant proposal so that you know what to include in this portion of your application. (Research Study Evaluation Criteria | EBP or QI Project Evaluation Criteria)

This portion of the application must be double-spaced and single-sided on 8.5″ x 11″ plain white paper, with 1″ margins on all sides. Use only a standard font no smaller than 12 point throughout the application.

The length of the project description portion of the application must be limited to 10 double-spaced pages. The project description page length is based on double-spacing, and will be halved if single-spacing or one-and-a-half spacing is used. The project description must include the sections outlined on the respective evaluation forms. 10 additional pages are allowed for all appendices. Appendices should include the Institutional Review Board Documentation and references. References should be double-spaced according to APA format.

All sections of the application (including project description, appendices, charts, references/footnotes, tables, maps and exhibits) must be sequentially numbered, beginning on the first page after the table of contents. Anything over 10 pages in the project description portion of the application and anything over 10 pages in the appendiceswill be removed and not considered by the reviewers.

Click Save as Draft and then the Next Tab link.


The Confirmation tab is where you verify your submission by providing your electronic signature. Enter your name and the date into the appropriate fields and then click either Save as Draft or, if you are ready to submit your application, Submit FINAL Application. You must click the Submit Final Application button by the deadline in order for your research grant proposal to be considered.

You will be able to go in and edit your application at any time by logging in to the APNA Submission Site, viewing My Applications, and selecting the pencil button next to your application. If you wish to download a pdf copy of your application to keep on file, click the pdf button here. And if you would like to withdraw your application at any time before the deadline, click the Withdraw link. Note that when you withdraw your application, all of your data associated with this application will be deleted from the site.

Questions or issues? Please contact us at or 855-863-2762.