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APNA Charge for Councils

To be thought leaders for the American Psychiatric Nurses Association.
  • Conduct external environmental scans
    • Suggestion: Designate a member of your Advisory Panel to set up a Google alert for a specific term and monitor it.
  • Conduct internal Council assessments and discussions to identify member needs within your Council’s subject area(s).
    • Suggestion: Create 3-6 questions for dissemination to your Advisory Panel and send to for development into an online survey.
  • Synthesize information: information gathered from environmental scans, from Member Bridge conversations, etc.
    • Suggestion: Create talking points which the Board can approve and then be disseminated to the membership.
  • Provide accurate information to inform conversations
    • Suggestion: Designate a couple of members to post on the All-Purpose Discussion Forum links and resources available in the public arena to inform discussions related to your Council’s subject area(s).
    • Suggestion: Submit an abstract via the online submission site for a session or poster to be presented at the APNA Annual Conference.
    • For larger issues involving widespread confusion: Contact the Board to suggest an all-member communication from the President to correct misinformation being posted.
  • Monitor content of website to ensure it is up-to-date and aligned with APNA’s strategic direction (mission, core purpose, envisioned future).
  • Recognize Council members for their achievements
    • Suggestion: For someone who has contributed to the literature through a published article, interview, etc., cross-post a link of their work (or acknowledgment of their work) to the All-Purpose Discussion Forum and your Council’s Advisory Panel. Please also send a copy to our communications team for inclusion in Members’ Corner (
    • Suggestion: Post on the All Purpose Discussion Forum a congratulatory note to an APNA Award Recipient who is a part of your Council.
  • Build an Enduring Structure – Identify and mentor promising new leaders
    • Suggestion: Make sure all Steering Committee members (at least) are enrolled as a mentor or mentee (or both) in APNA’s Mentor Match program.
    • Suggestion: Post a message to your Advisory Panel encouraging use of the Mentor Match tool and informing them of your availability to form a mentoring relationship.
    • Suggestion: Succession planning – Create a 3-5 year plan that will continue beyond the current chair.