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Thursday Program

WednesdayThursday  FridaySaturday

Virtual Livestream Program

Product Theater Breakfast
7:15am – 8:45am ET | Learn More
President’s Address
9:00am – 10:00am ET  |  Learn More
Poster Presentations
10:00am – 6:30pm ET |  Learn More
Concurrent Sessions
10:15am – 11:00am ET | Browse Sessions
11:15am – 12:00pm ET | Browse Sessions
Product Theater 
12:15pm – 1:45pm ET | Learn More
Exhibit Hall Open
1:30pm – 5:00pm ET
Mini Concurrent Sessions
3:30pm – 4:15pm ET | Browse Sessions
Concurrent Sessions
4:30pm – 5:15pm ET  |  Browse Sessions
5:30pm – 6:15pm ET  |  Browse Sessions
State Meetups
6:30pm – 7:30pm ET
Derby Delights Networking Reception
7:00pm – 9:00pm ET  |  Learn More


= Sessions also available via virtual livestream.

Product Theater Breakfast | No Contact Hours Provided
Meal Service: 7:15am-7:45am Eastern Presentation: 7:45am-8:45am Eastern

Sponsored by Alkermes
An Established Treatment Option for Managing Bipolar I Disorder or Schizophrenia

This promotional program will provide an overview of the clinical data and information for use in clinical practice for a treatment option for adult patients living with bipolar l disorder or schizophrenia.
Presenter: Hara Oyedeji, PMHNP-BC

President’s Address | 1 Contact Hour
9:00AM – 10:00AM Eastern
8:00AM CT | 6:00AM PT

The Connection Paradigm: Building Connection Competence in Ourselves & Those We Serve – RN APRN

Connecting with others, ourselves, our spirit, and our senses is fundamental to mental health and part of our professional identity as psychiatric-mental health nurses. Understanding the various dimensions of connection is critical, and hard work is required to build connection competence in ourselves and those we serve. Join us as we dive into an organized way of thinking about connection informed by science, experts in the field, and APNA members. Learn how to become your most “connected” self and how to cultivate connection in others

Presenter: Lora Peppard, PhD, DNP, PMHNP-BC
Available to virtual livestream attendees.

Poster Presentations Open | Up to 4 Contact Hours
10:00AM 6:30PM Eastern

Earn up to 4 contact hours for time spent viewing and evaluating the poster presentations Thursday – Friday.
Online poster gallery available to virtual livestream attendees.

Concurrent Sessions | 0.75 Contact Hours 
10:15AM – 11:00AM Eastern
9:15AM CT | 7:15PM PT

2011: Substance Use
10:15am – 11:00am Eastern

Examining the 4th Wave of the Opioid Epidemic: What Clinicians Need to KnowRN APRN

This presentation will provide a comprehensive overview on the 4th wave of the opioid epidemic.

Presenter: Deborah A. Salani, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, NE-BC; Deana Goldin, PhD, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC

Available to virtual livestream attendees.

2012: Trauma-Informed Care
10:15am – 11:00am Eastern

Multigenerational Trauma and the Holocaust: A Daughter’s Perspective and Implications for the Mental Healthcare Provider – RN APRN

The purpose of this presentation is to understand the concept of multigenerational trauma through the perspective of a Holocaust survivor’s daughter and how healthcare professionals can utilize the trauma-informed care model to support individuals and families and prevent re-traumatization.

Presenters: Elaine Webber, DNP, PPCNP-BC, IBCLC; Andrea Kwasky, DNP, PMHNP-BC, PMHCNS-BC

2013: Safety
10:15am – 11:00am Eastern

Interventions that Address Staff Stress Levels and Enhance their Response to Patient Aggression in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting – RN

This presentation reviews current practice and the implementation of specialized interventions targeted to the unique patient population in our care. The purpose of our interventions is to address staff stress levels when caring for aggressive patients by enhancing their ability to proactively de-escalate and manage difficult patient behaviors.

Presenters: Sarah Brushart, MSN, RN; Jennifer Belk, BSN, RN, PMH-BC

2014: Education
10:15am – 11:00am Eastern

Cinematic Simulation: A Mixed Study of Undergraduate Nursing Students to Explore an Innovative Simulation Method – RN APRN

This presentation introduces a new simulation strategy and research findings to validate its use. Participants will leave the presentation with a QR code that gives them access to all necessary materials to replicate the simulation. Materials include patient charts, a facilitator guide, and all documents needed.

Presenters: Ronnie Harold-Sheridan, EdD, MSN/ED, RN; Melissa Neathery, PhD., RN, CNE; Traci Sims, DNS, RN, CNS/PMH-BC; Todd Hastings, PhD, RN, CNE; Katherine Evans, DNP, RN; Jolie Gaudiuso, DNP, RN

2015: Outpatient
10:15am – 11:00am Eastern

Introducing Intranasal Esketamine to a Community Mental Health Center – RN APRN

This presentation outlines the process of implementing an intranasal esketamine program at a community mental health center to manage treatment-resistant depression.

Presenter: Marissa DeCesaris, CRNP, PMHNP-C, RN

2016: Workplace Violence
10:15am – 11:00am Eastern

Violence Against Nurses in the Workplace: We Need to Act NOW! – RN APRN

In this presentation, a team of PMH nursing leaders will describe the evidence supporting a five-prong approach to minimizing violence at work with recommendations, policy and research approaches. We will engage participants to join our efforts by considering potential solutions and recommendations for each of these five action targets.

Presenter: JoEllen Schimmels, PhD, DNP, PMHNP-BC, CNE, FAAN; Linda Beeber, PhD, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN; Kathleen R. Delaney, PhD, APRN, PMH-NP, FAAN; Joanne DeSanto Iennaco, PhD, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FAAN, FFNMRCSI; Mona Shattell, PhD, RN, FAAN

2017: Forensic
10:15am – 11:00am Eastern

Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Acquittee Perspectives on Environmental Determinants of Conditional Release Success – RN APRN

This presentation will discuss conditional release programs that provide mental health treatment for individuals found not guilty by reason of insanity. Results of a qualitative research study identified environmental factors, including barriers and facilitators, that influence progress and success in these programs.

Presenter: Matthew Harmon, PhD(c), MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, CNE; Sara Jones, PhD, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FAANP, FAAN

Concurrent Sessions |  0.75 Contact Hours
11:15AM – 12:00PM Eastern
10:15AM CT | 8:15AM PT


2021: Substance Use
11:15am – 12:00pm Eastern

Impact of Harm Reduction Strategies for Members of the Community that Participate in High-Risk Behaviors – RN 

This presentation examines the benefits of harm reduction as a controversial health initiative developed to serve members of the community engaged in risky behavior. Harm Reduction aims to reduce the negative impacts of stigma, mistreatment, and discrimination associated with those impacted by substance use disorder (SUD) and other high-risk activities.

Presenters: Andrea Darden, MSN, RN, CCRN

2022: Trauma-Informed Care
11:15am – 12:00pm Eastern

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Creating Connections for Students at Risk for Experiencing Anxiety/Trauma Reactivation in Undergraduate PMH Courses – RN APRN

This presentation will provide PMH nursing educators with vital strategies to employ trauma-informed pedagogy to support students at risk for anxiety/trauma re-activation in response to didactic content and clinical experiences leading to enhanced well-being and connection to self and others.

Presenters: Melissa Neathery, PhD, RN, CNE; Katherine Evans, DNP, RN; Todd Hastings, PhD, RN, CNE; David Sharp, PhD, RN; Kimberly Sharp, PhD, MSc, RN, OHND

2023: Safety
11:15am – 12:00pm Eastern

Rounding with a Twist: How Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) Rounding Promoted Safety in Behavioral Health Units of a Safety Net Hospital – RN APRN

Behavioral health units that prioritize trauma-informed care in leadership rounding consistently and with intention contribute to patient and staff safety. It also fosters a culture of empathy, a positive work environment, and better communication amongst the staff and within the department.

Presenters: Maribeth Desuyo, MHA, MSN, PMH-BC; Michael Romero, MSN, RN

Available to virtual attendees.

2024: Education
11:15am – 12:00pm Eastern

Evaluation of Nursing Students’ Health-Related Behaviors to Promote Professional Well-Being through Digital Health – RN APRN

This presentation illuminates the contributing factors that lead to poor mental and physical health outcomes for college nursing students and the implications of these lingering impacts on professional practicing nurses. Just-in-time adaptive (JITAI) digital health solutions using established theories of health-behavior change offer a solution to improve these poor outcomes.

Presenters: Scott Sittig, PhD, RHIA; Jennifer Allain, DNP, MSN, APRN, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC; Tierney Beebe, DHA, MBA, RHIA, CCS

2025: Outpatient
11:15am – 12:00pm Eastern

Brain-Based Organization and Productivity Strategies for Patients with ADD Across the Lifespan – RN APRN

This presentation introduces non-pharmacologic organizational and productivity strategies to aid patients with ADD in being successful at home, school, and work. Participants will engage in a case study to practice assessing and choosing appropriate interventions.

Presenter: Jeana Wilcox, PhD, APMHCNS-BC

2026: Workplace Violence
11:15am – 12:00pm Eastern

It’s Time for a Change: How Joint Commission Standards Can Shift Perspectives on the Triggers of Workplace Violence – RN

This presentation outlines recent Joint Commission standards around reporting health care violence. We demonstrate their potential to build healthy practice environments if tracking moves away from linking incidents to patient-related behavior and toward consideration of potential antecedents related to health service factors such as staffing, bed overload, or missed care.

Presenters: Kathleen R. Delaney, PhD, PMHNP, FAAN; Ellen Blair, DNP, APRN, PMHCNS-BC, NEA-BC, CPHQ, FAAN

2027: Forensic
11:15am – 12:00pm Eastern

Not Just Stranger Danger: Implementation of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Screening During Medical Forensic Examinations to Identify and Connect Survivors with Resources – RN APRN

This presentation introduces IPV screening to identify survivors and connect them to resources at the time of a sexual assault exam. By identifying survivors, the nurse can provide trauma-informed care to support the long-term recovery of the person using whole health interventions and community collaboration.

Presenter: Rebecca Puchkors, MSN, RN, PMH-BC, CA-CP SANE

Available to virtual livestream attendees.

Product Theater Lunch | No Contact Hours Provided
Meal Service: 12:15pm-12:45pm
Presentation: 12:45pm-1:45pm Eastern

A Tailored Treatment for Adults with ADHD
Sponsored by Noven Therapeutics, LLC.
Presenter: Jennifer A. Ganem, MS, APRN

Exhibit Hall Open
1:30PM – 5:00PM Eastern

Get information from and engage with industry stakeholders in psychiatric-mental health and nursing.

Mini Concurrent Sessions | 0.75 Contact Hours
3:30PM – 4:15PM Eastern
2:30PM CT | 12:30PM PT


2031: Addictions
3:30pm – 4:15pm Eastern

Connecting People with Mental Health Challenges Who Use Tobacco To Opportunities for Cessation: The Behavioral Health Quit and Win Program – RN APRN

Tobacco use among people with mental illnesses (MI) remains an important psychiatric-mental health nursing care focus. Quit and Win contests are incentive-based community-targeted programs that support tobacco use cessation. Our presentation provides an evaluation of Quit and Win programs targeted to individuals with MI in community mental health programs.

Presenter: Chizimuzo T.C. Okoli, PhD, MPH, APRN, PMHNP-BC, NCTTP, FAAN; Bassema Abufarsakh, PhD, MSN, RN, NCTTP; Sarret Seng, BA, BSN, RN

Bridging Gaps: Optimizing Buprenorphine Utilization in Crisis Settings – RN APRN

Effective crisis management of opioid use disorder (OUD) is crucial, with buprenorphine showing superior outcomes. Transitioning to buprenorphine protocols in crisis units aims to improve treatment, increase staff training compliance, and evaluate protocol effectiveness. Recommendations include protocol use, comprehensive training, and tailored care despite project limitations.

Presenters: Consuelo D. Williams, MBA/HCM, MSN, RN, PMHNP-BC, CNML; Lemuel Scott, MSN, PMH-BC, PMHNP-BC

2032: Child & Adolescent
3:30pm – 4:15pm Eastern

Nursing Research and Symptomology in Children and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder – RN APRN

This presentation will highlight the current state of science in symptomology and comorbidities in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Since a diagnosis of ASD does not describe the individual variably of the disorder, research into symptomology and interventions to support this population will be presented.

Presenter: Stacy Miner, PhD, RN, CCRP

2033: Safety
3:30pm – 4:15pm Eastern

Pulling It All Together: Using a Comprehensive Approach to Managing Patient Agitation and Aggression in the Inpatient Psychiatric Unit – RN 

This presentation will share the comprehensive interdisciplinary approach used to manage agitation and aggression behaviors in an inpatient psychiatric setting. Use of behavior management strategies to guide care, reduce risk, and ensure safer care environments is a best practice approach. Effective program implementation improves unit quality and safety metrics.

Presenters: Kelly Bryant, MS, BSN, NPD-BC, NEA-BC; Catie Fay, MS, RN, PMH-BC

Use of an Agitation Management Protocol Associated with Maintaining Low Restraint Rates on an Inpatient Unit – RN 

This presentation describes an agitation management protocol that was implemented on a 20-bed inpatient psychiatric-mental health unit. The participant will leave with an understanding of the efficacy of using a violent behavior predictor assessment tool, coupled with early administration of corresponding PRN medication dosing in promoting unit safety.

Presenter: Wren B. Hand, PhD, RN; Laura Krubinski, RN, JD

Available to virtual livestream attendees.

2034: Undergraduate Education
3:30pm – 4:15pm Eastern

The Benefits and Pitfalls of Using Virtual Clinical Experiences in Your Mental Health Course – RN APRN

The use of virtual clinical experiences is a viable option for presenting content to students. Each student is given the opportunity to interact with clients who are exhibiting the symptomology of various disorders. This opportunity is a sound option as demonstrated by research and student opinions.

Presenter: Michelle Hext, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, FNP-C, ENP-C, PMHNP-BC

Students Connecting with People Where They Are: Enhancing Community Experiences in PMH Clinical Education – RN APRN

Mental health promotion activities were developed for implementation by nursing and other majors in concert with the new national emphasis on community health competencies. Health disparities around social determinants and cohort vulnerability were considered relative to prevention and recovery strategies in support of mental wellness for community participants.

Presenters: Todd B. Hastings, PhD, RN, CNE; Mary Justice, PhD, RN, CNE; Melissa Neathery, PhD, RN, CNE

2035: Practice
3:30pm – 4:15pm Eastern

Oh No! You Have Been Called to Court to Testify as an Expert Witness: What to Do and How to Prepare – RN APRN

As more and more advanced practice nurse practitioners are becoming the primary provider of mental health care on inpatient psychiatric units, the need to provide expert witnessing is now at higher demand. This presentation will provide PMHNPs and RNs about the basics of testifying on competency and capacity issues.

Presenter: Sarah McNulty, RN

Music as an Intervention: Both Nurses and Patients Benefit – RN APRN

This musical, interactive session will provide participants an opportunity to benefit from music and will encourage them to generate ideas on how to use music when caring for patients.

Presenter: Barbara Buxton, PhD, PMHCNS-BC, PMHNP-BC, RN

Available to virtual livestream attendees.

2036: Women’s Health
3:30pm – 4:15pm Eastern

Evidence-Based Treatments for Premenstrual Syndrome: CBT and Mindfulness-Based Interventions – RN APRN

This presentation will discuss evidence-based treatments for symptoms related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Current practice guidelines focus on the use of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat PMS. Other research also supports the effectiveness of non-traditional, CBT-based interventions, as well as mindfulness-based interventions.

Presenter: Reney Fontenot, BSN, RN, Student PMHNP

Patient Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Treatment of Perinatal Depression – RN APRN

This presentation provides insight into the barriers and facilitators that women with perinatal depression face in getting diagnosed and treated for their depression. Paper screening may not be enough when women are hesitant to answer truthfully and lack the energy for follow-up.

Presenter: Sheila Linz, PhD, PMHNP-BC, RN

2037: Complementary & Alternative Therapies
3:30pm – 4:15pm Eastern

Acupuncture for Fertility Enhancement: A Case Report – RN APRN

This presentation will describe a case report on how acupuncture enhances fertility in someone with an infertility problem. Acupuncture lessened the patient’s stress level, decreased her depression, and enhanced her fertility. Psychiatric mental health nurses should consider acupuncture as an adjunct intervention for women seeking care for infertility problems.

Presenters: Jane Abanes, PhD, DNP, MSN/Ed, PMHCNS, PMHNP-BC, RN

Battlefield Auricular Acupressure (BAApress) for Emergency Department and Inpatient Psychiatric Patients with Co-occurring Chronic or Acute Pain Management – RN 

Patients who present to the Behavioral Health Emergency Room and require admission sometimes also have co-occurring pain which can negatively impact their mental health. A research study was done on offering patients with co-occurring pain auricular acupressure administered by nurses for pain relief. The results were positive.

Presenter: Michelle Olshan-Perlmutter, PMHCNS-BC, FNP, BC; Nicholas Archer, RN-BC, MSN; Danielle Dix, RN-BC, BSN;

Concurrent Sessions | 0.75 Contact Hours
4:30PM – 5:15PM Eastern
3:30PM CT | 1:30PM PT


2041: Substance Use
4:30pm – 5:15pm Eastern

Caring for Patients with Substance Use Disorders: An Educational Toolkit for Registered Nurses – RN APRN

Nurses educated on the disease of addiction and the value of routine substance use screening are positioned to make a difference in the trajectory of this disease. A toolkit is a scholarly and cost-effective way to educate nurses and provide resources in real time for frontline staff.

Presenter: Rosemary E. Smentkowski, MSN Ed, RN, PMH-NP, BC, CARN

2042:  Education
4:30pm – 5:15pm Eastern

Mindful Faculty: Strategies for Supporting Student Mental Health in Higher Education – RN APRN

This presentation will discuss practical teaching strategies faculty can utilize to support students’ mental health while maintaining academic rigor.

Presenter: Erica S. Ramey, DNP, PMHNP

2043: Patient-Centered Care
4:30pm – 5:15pm Eastern

Decreasing Violence Risk Through Brief Intentional Grounding in Acute Psychiatric Nursing – RN 

This presentation introduces a new mindfulness modality called Brief Intentional Grounding, which emphasizes grounding, gratitude, meaning-making, and caring intention. Theoretical background and evidence-base from the sciences and wisdom traditions will be introduced as explanatory models for how mindfulness can create a psycho-social environment of safety thereby facilitating reduced violence risk.

Presenters: William Brooke, RN-BC; Susanlee Wisotzkey, PhD, BA, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, NE-BC, PLNC, CIMHP

2044: Innovative Technology
4:30pm – 5:15pm Eastern

Beyond Telehealth: Navigating the Digital Mental Health Landscape – RN APRN

This interactive discussion will increase the understanding of the best practices for choosing and implementing digital health technologies in behavioral health care. Participants will benefit from an interdisciplinary dialogue on the ethical, research, evaluation, and social challenges of incorporating digital health solutions into clinical practice.

Presenters: Jennifer Allain, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, PMHNP-BC; Corey B. Smith, PhD, MA; Scott Sittig, PhD, MHI, RHIA

Available to virtual attendees.

2045: Eating Disorders
4:30pm – 5:15pm Eastern

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID): An Evidence-Based Treatment for a Challenging and Puzzling Eating Disorder – RN APRN

This presentation will invite participants to creatively build their knowledge and skill level set related to cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as a treatment for clients experiencing Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). Participants will leave with a new foundation for caring for clients diagnosed with this challenging and puzzling eating disorder.

Presenter: Lisa Renee Kongable, MA, ARNP, PMHCNS-BC, CNE

2047: Complementary & Alternative Therapies
4:30pm – 5:15pm Eastern

A Psychoactive Substance Derived from Toad Secretions: 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo) – RN APRN

Bufo or ‘toad medicine’ is gaining popularity for its potential psychotherapeutic effects in reducing mood, anxiety, and stress symptoms; therefore, this presentation provides an overview of 5-MeO-DMT use. Nurses will be provided reliable and current information on Bufo use since nurses are well-positioned to help individuals in the community.

Presenters: Deana Goldin, PhD, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC; Deborah Salani, DNP, PMHNP-BC, APRN, NE-BC

Concurrent Sessions | 0.75 Contact Hours
5:30PM – 6:15PM Eastern
4:30PM CT | 2:30PM PT

2051: Substance Use
5:30pm – 6:15pm Eastern

The Connections Between Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stressors, and Tobacco Use Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis – RN APRN

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) contribute to 20% of tobacco use. This review and meta-analysis summarizes the connection between ACEs and tobacco use. Specifically, we present the association between exposure to four or more ACEs (Toxic Stress) and various tobacco-related variables such as use status, initiation, and e-cigarette use among adults.

Presenter: Bassema Abu-Farsakh, PhD, MSN, BSN, NCTTP

2052: Education
5:30pm – 6:15pm Eastern

Foundations of Connection: Developing Core Mental Status Examination Skills and SOAP Note Documentation Skills in Undergraduate Psychiatric Nursing Students – RN APRN

Discover new teaching techniques in our dynamic session focused on improving clinical MSE assessment and SOAP note documentation through practical low-fidelity simulations. Gain valuable insights and tools to elevate your instruction to boost student proficiency and confidence in mental health clinical settings.

Presenter: Frances Hodgkins, EdD, MSN, RN-BC; Margaret Touw, DNP, CNE

Available to virtual livestream attendees.

2053: Patient-Centered Care
5:30pm – 6:15pm Eastern

Want to Ensure you are Providing Person-Centered Care to Diverse Populations? Try the ‘MY PT CARE STRATEGY’ Framework – RN APRN

The presentation aims to reinvigorate PMH nurses’ efforts to provide person-centered care. It does so by introducing the ‘MY PT CARE STRATEGY’ framework. The presentation encourages participants to discuss the practicality, facilitators, and challenges of integrating this framework into clinical practice and the academic preparation of future nurses.

Presenter: Nadia Ali Muhammad Ali Charania, PhD, RN; Mona Shattell, PhD, RN, FAAN

Available to virtual livestream attendees.

2054: Innovative Technology
5:30pm – 6:15pm Eastern

Harnessing the Power of Technology to Augment and Expand Your Therapeutic Impact: When Time in the Office Just Is Not Enough – APRN

This interactive presentation will highlight the implementation of new technologies that support our patients on the road to improved mental health. Participants will gain a greater understanding of new technologies and how to incorporate them into practice. Bring your smartphones!

Presenter: Linda Romines, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, CNE, PMHNP-BC

2055: Eating Disorders
5:30pm – 6:15pm Eastern

Battles Beyond: Shedding Light on Veteran Eating Disorders – RN APRN
This presentation will discuss how military culture and expectations set the stage for disordered eating behaviors and eating disorders among Veterans. Identifying military status, assessing eating patterns, and treating disordered eating and eating disorders in Veterans decreases the burden of physical and mental health comorbidities, including death by suicide.

Presenters: Brenda L. Mayfield, DNP, CRNP, PMHNP-BC

2056: Legal Considerations
5:30pm – 6:15pm Eastern

Office Practice Enterprise Risk Management Self-Assessment: Mitigating Risk and Improving Patient Safety – RN APRN

This presentation will outline key areas for assessing risk in the office practice setting while reducing the risk of a future claim or licensing complaint and build a stronger defense in the event of a claim. Topics include office policies, documentation, informed consent/refusal, social media, release of information, and others.

Presenter: Allison M. Funicelli, MPA, CCLA, ARM, CPHRM

2057: Practice
5:30pm – 6:15pm Eastern

Emerging Practice: Crisis Stabilization Nursing – RN

This presentation aims to comprehensively explore the evolution of Crisis Stabilization Nursing (CSN) within mental health care. The primary purpose is to elucidate the historical development, contemporary practices, and emerging trends that have shaped CSN while emphasizing its pivotal role in Psychiatric-Mental Health (PMH) Nursing. By delving into the purposeful evolution of CSN, the presentation seeks to offer insights that can inform and inspire current and future nursing professionals.

Presenter: Heidi Warrington, MSN, RN, CNRN

State Meetups
6:30pm – 7:30pm Eastern

Find your home away from home at this event! Join your state huddle to connect with psychiatric-mental health nurses from your area and discuss your region’s PMH nursing advancements, needs, and opportunities.

Derby Delights: Networking Reception
7:00pm – 9:00pm Eastern

Giddy up for an evening of merriment and derby-inspired fun! Join your colleagues for a networking reception where you can mix, mingle, and make connections. Trot into a night of spirited conversations and stylish attire. Unleash your creativity as you design your own derby hat to add a touch of Southern charm to the festivities

Same Contact Hours, Two Different Experiences

In-Person Experience

Available for: Regular Conference & One Day Registrations
Add-On: Wednesday Pre-Conference Sessions
Contact Hours: Up to 23.75 live, 90+ on demand (includes pre-conference add-on)

  • Take your pick of sessions presented in each time block at convention center: In-Person Program
  • Engage with colleagues and speakers during sessions, breaks, and special events.
  • Browse and evaluate poster presentations in the poster hall; meet the poster presenters.
  • Enjoy meal sessions with industry-sponsored Product Theaters.
  • Two-3 months after the conference, access podcast recordings of the sessions presented on the days you are registered. Earn up to 90+ more contact hours for these sessions any time until September 30, 2025.

A note about safety

Note: Poster presentations and industry-sponsored product theaters and symposia only available during conference, not on demand.

Virtual Livestream Experience

Available for: Regular Conference & One Day Registration
Add-On: Wednesday Pre-Conference Sessions
Contact Hours: Up to 23.75 live, 90+ on demand (includes pre-conference add-on)

  • Select one of two livestream session options for each time block: Virtual Livestream Program
  • Use the live chat feature to ask questions and connect with fellow virtual attendees.
  • Browse and evaluate poster presentations in the online poster gallery.
  • Two-3 months after the conference, access podcast recordings of the sessions presented on the days for which you registered. Earn up to 90+ more contact hours for these sessions until September 30, 2025.

Note: Virtual livestream package does not include access to industry-sponsored product theaters. Poster presentations will not be available on demand after the live conference.