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APNA Award for Innovation - Individual


The APNA Award for Innovation – Individual recognizes an APNA member who has developed and/or demonstrated a new, fresh approach to care through innovation in psychiatric-mental health nursing practice. The individual must have been a member of APNA for at least two years.


  • Has developed and/or demonstrated a new approach to care through innovation in psychiatric-mental health nursing practice, such as a new role or setting for a psychiatric-mental health nurse, a new collaborative or care-delivery model, a new evidence-based therapeutic intervention, an innovative curriculum, course or education model.
  • Demonstrates the impact of the innovation after being in place for at least 1 year.

View past APNA Awards recipients here. 

Nominations are Open!

The nominations deadline is January 6.

How to Submit Your Nomination
  • Log in with your APNA username and password.
  • On the My Dashboard screen, select APNA Annual Awards from the dropdown menu and then press the Launch Application button. (If you do not see the dropdown menu, please click My Dashboard in your navigation.)
  • Complete the online nomination form.
    • Use the tabs to navigate through each section of the form and remember to hit the Save as draft button as you go.
    • When completing the form, be sure to include specific examples of how the nominee has achieved excellence in his/her practice, what makes the nominee stand out in the profession, and what the nominee has accomplished that meets the criteria.
  • Find a reference to complete the form.
    • On the reference tab of your nomination submission, enter a contact’s name and email address to generate an email that will include a link to submit their reference.
    • In order to be considered, each nomination must have both a nominator and a reference.
  • Once your nomination is complete, press the Submit Final Nomination button.