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Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Resources

A collection of resources curated for psychiatric-mental health nurses: From toolkits to graduate school listings, the APNA Resource Center is your first access point for information on topics across the spectrum of psychiatric-mental health nursing.

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Criminal Justice System

National Reentry Resource Center

Briefs, funding opportunities, reports, research, and toolkits from this organization funded and administered by the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA),
Criminal Justice System

What Works in Reentry Clearing House

A collection of research on the effectiveness of a wide variety of reentry programs and practices, featuring programs rated by the National Institute of Justice’s
Criminal Justice System

An Overview of Evidence-Based Practices and Programs in Prison Reentry

An article from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Research and Analysis Unit covering best practices for parole supervision, evidence-based reentry principles, and evidence-based reentry programs.
Criminal Justice System

Crisis Intervention Teams

Information from the National Alliance on Mental Illness on these programs.
Criminal Justice System

Stepping Up

A national initiative focused on reducing overincarceration of people with mental illnesses. It provides a data-driven framework that assists counties through training, resources, and support.
Criminal Justice System

Council of State Governments Justice Center Mental Health Resources

Resources and analysis from this organization that works with states and local communities to improve responses for people with mental health needs in the criminal justice system.
Criminal Justice System

Principles of Community-based Behavioral Health Services for Justice-involved Individuals: A Research-based Guide

SAMHSA information pertaining to supporting community-based behavioral health providers in their clinical and case management work with individuals who have mental and substance use disorders and either have current
Criminal Justice System

Guidelines for Successful Transition of People with Mental or Substance Use Disorders from Jail and Prison: Implementation Guide

Provides examples of the implementation of successful strategies for transitioning people with mental or substance use disorders from institutional correctional settings into the community.
Criminal Justice System

Impact of a Prison Therapeutic Diversion Unit on Mental and Behavioral Health Outcomes

2021 study published by the American Journal of preventative medicine that discusses and examines the effects of restrictive housing and Therapeutic Diversion Units on infractions, mental health, and self-harm
Criminal Justice System

Best Practice Toolkit for the National Guidelines for Crisis Care

2020 SAMHSA toolkit that promotes the advancement of national guidelines in crisis care by providing support for program design, development, implementation, and ongoing quality improvement effort.
Criminal Justice System

Prisons: The New Asylums

A 2020 article by the Harvard review that includes an overview of mental illness in the prison system as well as current alternative interventions.
Criminal Justice System

Mental Health Standards for Virginia’s Regional and Local Jails

Minimum standards for behavioral healthcare in local and regional jails generated by a collaborative workgroup in August 2018.