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APNA Chapter Communications

Contacting APNA

Any request from a chapter must be made through the Chapter Leader via
You’ll be assigned a point of contact, however, please note that there is a team of people available to provide support during regular business hours.

Facebook Guidelines

A guide to using Facebook as a chapter of APNA, including tips for advertising local events, calls for membership, and more.

Reach out those people with new and expired memberships

Send text to to have an email sent with your signature to the specified group.

Logo Usage and Guidelines

A guide to using Chapter logos and names.

Use of Images

Permission must be received before using images in chapter flyers and brochures.  If proper permission hasn’t been granted, there may be a violation of copyright or fair use laws for which APNA is responsible.  Here’s a link to a helpful webpage that discusses the laws for using images.

Member Bridge

APNA Member Bridge is an online tool for knowledge sharing and networking with other APNA members.  As the Chapter Leader, we would like you to use this vehicle in tandem with the chapter’s web pages to communicate with members in your chapter.  A link to the chapter community is at the top of every webpage for your chapter.  Members are automatically subscribed to the chapter community when they join APNA.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to take advantage of Member Bridge, here’s a comprehensive user’s guide.

There is a community on Member Bridge for chapter leaders to network and share their experiences.  Chapter Presidents and President-Elects are automatically subscribed to this community.  We suggest you change your subscription for this community to receive messages in “real” time.

Upcoming Chapter Meetings

A list of all current chapter meetings has been created here.

APNA Members’ Corner

A bi-monthly edition of APNA News: The Psychiatric Nursing Voice, which focuses on developments within APNA and psychiatric nursing. This area is full of information for, about, and by APNA members! Features include a Message from the President, a Member Profile, Member News, and other articles. Articles highlight events at state and national levels and showcase member achievements.

Members are also invited to submit materials and announcements for publication in the APNA Members’ Corner. For queries about appropriate topics, please contact:

Meaghan Trimyer
Director of Communications

Chapter Award

The APNA Award for Innovation – Chapter recognizes an APNA chapter that has creatively implemented a successful project/activity that has potential to further the goals and objectives of the association.  Nominations are usually due in the Spring of every year.