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APNA New England Chapter

Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont


Any APNA member who resides in New England is automatically a member of the New England Chapter. If you are interested in joining or renewing your membership, please see the Membership tab on APNA’s home page for more information about the application process and dues.

If you are not receiving information via e-mail from the chapter, please contact with your updated contact information. We want to be sure our members receive the information they need to benefit fully from their chapter membership!

The APNA New England Chapter:



  • Mentoring
  • Skills Training
  • Opportunities to participate in regional & national activities

About the Chapter

The APNA New England Chapter was founded in 1993. The Chapter consists of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. The largest group of members comes from Massachusetts. We believe our strength is in bringing all our states together.

Mission Statement

As psychiatric nurses and members of the New England Chapter of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, we collaborate and engage in fellowship to advance psychiatric nursing.

Governance Policies

New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT) Chapter Governance Policies


Pathways to Recovery: Resilience Strategies for Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment
Friday, April 25, at 8:00am
Hotel Viking
1 Bellevue Ave
Newport, RI 02840


Early bird registration ends April 15. Registration will be available on-site.

Call for Posters

Your APNA New England Chapter is seeking poster presentations for the APNA New England Chapter 2025 Conference on April 25 in Newport, RI. Share your brilliant poster and gain invaluable experience when you present to your colleagues.

I Want to Present a Poster!

The deadline is Thursday, February 20.

Call for Volunteers

Your APNA New England Chapter is seeking a Vermont Representative! Volunteer as a regional representative to serve as a liaison between chapter leadership and members in Vermont. 

I Want to Lead! 

The deadline to volunteer is Monday, February 17.

New England Chapter Awards

Nancy M. Valentine Excellence in Leadership Award

The Nancy M. Valentine Excellence in Leadership Award recognizes an APNA New England chapter member who demonstrates vision, tenacity, perseverance, commitment, initiative and facilitation in improving mental health care and the advancement of the profession of psychiatric nursing.

The following information is required when nominating a member for an award:

  • Name of the award
  • Nominee’s name, title, contact information to include mailing address and email address
  • One page narrative recommendation from an APNA New England Chapter Member

Grayce M. Sills Distinguished Service Award

The Grayce M. Sills Distinguished Service Award is intended as an award for commitment, initiative, loyalty, integrity, and exceptional and meritorious service to the APNA New England Chapter. The following information is required when nominating a member for an award:

  • Name of the award
  • Nominee’s name, title, contact information to include mailing address and email address
  • One page narrative recommendation from an APNA New England Chapter Member

Sue Scipione Award

The Sue Scipone Award is intended for a Generalist RN or LPN(Non-member from New England) working in direct care psychiatric setting that may include Inpatient, Partial Hospital, Community psychiatric care or similar setting. Someone who is recognized for his/her leadership role in direct care psychiatric setting, and for implementing psychiatric nursing interventions effectively with clients/patients and families if indicated.

This award provides a year’s membership to APNA as well as a tuition voucher for one APNA New England Chapter conference next year.

The following information is required when nominating a member or non-member for an award:

  • Name of the award
  • Nominee’s name, title, contact information to include mailing address and email address
  • One page narrative recommendation from an APNA New England Chapter Member

Past Recipients

Nancy M. Valentine Excellence in Leadership Award
1995 Karen Chesley, BSN, RN, C
1996 Victoria Palmer-Erbs, RN, CS, PhD
1997 Kathleen M. Coughlan, RN, MSN, CS
1998 Harriet DeHoff, RN, MSN
1999 Marie Huppuch, MEd, RN, CS
2000 Nancy Hanrahan, MS, APRN, CS
2001 Karen B. Foulke, RN, MS, CS
2002 Jean Maddix, MSN, RN, CS
2003 Carol L. Major, RNC
2004 Barbara Wolfe, PhD, RN, CS, FAAN
2005 Helen M. Epes, APRN-BC
2006 Maureen Beirne Streff, EdD, RN, CS
2007 Margaret Knight, PhD, APRN, BC
2008 Tedi Hughes, PMHCNS-BC
2009 Christine Gosselin, MSN, RN, CS
2010 Lakisha Hyatt, MSN, RN
2011 Donna M. White, RN, PhD, CS, CADAC
2012 Genevieve E. Chandler, PhD, RN
2013 Christine Tebaldi, MS, RN/NP
2014 Danny G. Willis, DNS, RN, PMHCNS-BC
2015 Vareen O’Keefe Domaleski, RN, MSN, Ed, D
2016 not awarded
2017 not awarded
2018 not awarded
2019 Laura A. Curtis, MSN, APRN-BC
2020 Gabrielle P. Abelard, DNP, PMHNP, PMHCNS-BC, RN, BSN
2021 Diane Grimaldi, DNP, PMHCNS, BC
2022 Karen Jennings Mathis, PhD, APRN, PMHNP-BC, FAED
2023 Kathleen M. Andolina, PMHCNS, BC, PC
2024 Valerie Seney, PhD, MA, LMHC, PMHNP-BC

Grayce M. Sills Distinguished Service Award
1996 Sue Scipione, MSN, RN, C
1997 James E. Hovey, RN, MSN
1998 Carol Glod, RN, CS, PhD and Katharine Bailey, RN, CS, MS
1999 Dezra Kenney, RN, MEd, CS, CADAC
2000 Linda M. E. Auton, RN, JD
2001 Thomas H. Marland, RNC, LCDP
2002 Helen M. Epes, APRN, MSN
2003 Mary Ann Johnson, RN, MS, CS, FPNP
2004 Donna H. Meader, RNC, CDNS
2005 Mary L. Kline, RN, MN, CS, ARNP
2006 Joyce Clark BSN, RNC
2007 Fe Rodriguez, APRN-BC, MS
2008 Geoffry Phillips McEnany, PhD, APRN, BC
2009 Sandra J. Wagner, RN
2010 Helen Shea Murphy, APRN, BC
2011 Ellen M. Buffington, MSN, RN
2012 Marie Huppuch, MA, APRN, PMHCNS, BC
2013 Bonnie R. MacGregor, MSN, RN-BC
2014 Carole A. Shea, PhD, RN, FAAN
2015 Larry D. Plant, DNP, APRN, PMH, NP, BC
2016 Margaret Knight, PhD, PMHCNS-BC
2017 Michelle Tavares, BN, RN-BC
2022 Denise Fairbank, BSN, RN, PMH-BC
2024 Joanne DeSanto Iennaco, PhD, APRN, PMHNP-BC, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN

Sue Scipione Award
2008 Susan Mello, RNC
2009 Pamela Scheer, RN
2010 Dennis Pultinas, RN
2011 Jacqueline Berridge, RN-BC
2012 Debra Spellman, RN
2013 Jeannie Culf, RN
2014 Linda Sheppard-Reece, BSN, RN
2015 Marianne Marinelli, RN-BC
2016 Kimberly Brunelle, RN
2023 Taylor Perez, BSN
2024 David Heeps, BS, RN